Saturday, July 5, 2014

Went Back to WW today...

i havent been to Weight Watchers since April..i decided to go back today, and i was up 4lbs since then. im not too mad because it could have been worse than that. 2 weeks ago i was almost up 10lbs, and i was so mad at myself so i got back on track, so at least today it was only 4!

todays meeting was about slip ups, and i definitely am guilty of having slip ups every now and then. i just have to stay motivated, and keep on going no matter what gets in the way.

i am determined to meet my goal and become lifetime by the end of this year. nothing can be in my way anymore! i have to stop being lazy and exercise, track EVERYTHING i write down, and just stay motivated and positive.

yesterday was a wash out for our 4th of july BBQ, so were having it today. i am going to make a WW dessert which is 1 point each.

i hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! im going to try to BLOG more than i have been.

talk to you all soon! =)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Been way tooooo long...

Its been almost 1 year since I posted on here. Wow am I bad. I wanted to come back so maybe ill have some motivation while blogging.

Ive been on and off and on and off for a while now. I just wanna get to my goal weight already! Ive had alot of moments where I just wasnt feeling it and was not tracking any food at all.

Slowly but surely it will happen. Im determined.